Saturday, September 5, 2009

Language Barrier

Lorenzo has been really nice talking, asking, and listening to me, but at times I feel bad because I know I have trouble talking in Spanish and he seemed confused with my words … Even when they are talking to each other I would know some things they are saying, but I’d have trouble to join in the discussion in Spanish.

I know I’ve only been here for 3 days, and I will pick up soon (Lorenzo has confidence that after 1 month, especially after school starts, I’ll be speaking it well), but I just wish the barrier just wasn’t there…

After dinner I went online and talked to Erika about Spain. It was nice talking to friends again and to be able to express in English. It’s not that I don’t like speaking Spanish, it’s just at times when I want to express things, questions, ideas, opinions, or feelings … etc, it’s so much easier to do so in English than Spanish.

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